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Making Video Your End-of-Year Company Culture Secret Weapon

Making Video Your End-of-Year Company Culture Secret Weapon

Framing your 2020 accomplishments with a fresh new perspective.

With COVID and this year’s election dominating the news, it’s important for companies to let internal teams and customers know what else happened in 2020. What newsworthy coverage did top teams get? Did the company receive new funding or sign some great new partners? What were the big milestone moments that need to be shared? Video can be a true differentiator when it’s used to not only market your organization’s products or services, but to market your company’s culture as well. 

It’s no surprise with this year’s shift to virtual that video is everywhere now, from the splash page on your website to everyone’s Facebook and LinkedIn feeds. In fact, 52 percent of marketers worldwide name video as the type of content with the highest ROI. But it’s not just a necessary content type, it is also an invaluable tool that can be used as a definitive teamwork and company culture asset, which can make all the difference.   

Year-End VideoPhoto by Marcos Rocha on Unsplash

Year-End Wins

Whether it’s an effort to revitalize a company’s homepage, recruit a targeted pool of new hires, or close much-needed deals, video is a useful platform to diversify a company’s marketing strategy. In particular, a year-in-review summary video, shared on social for customers and prospects alike, can promote a company’s achievements and extend an organization’s culture, making wins the focus of discussion as the year comes to a close. Highlighting the “Best of 2020” moments and releasing them to your community can be truly motivating as we prepare for exciting new challenges that await us next year.

Whether you are utilizing your own video resources or partnering with an external team like N6A, take the time to outline exactly what the last year held in terms of what major accomplishments should make the cut. A dedicated external video team can easily break down the barriers between a company and potential viewers through a mix of customizable messaging designed with the brand in mind, matching custom fonts, colors, logos and assets to produce something that represents a company’s exact style and culture for all to see. Just remember to keep focus on the positive elements including exceptional media coverage, product announcements, new partnerships and key client-adds or testimonials. 

As an alternative, we all know 2020 has been a tough year, so producing a leadership-led video outlining the plans and strategy initiatives of 2021 is another great way to give employees and customers alike a better sense of what your company is working towards in the coming year.

Who’s Who

While it’s novel to have the higher-ups talk about a company’s accomplishments, a truly great video asset lets the people speak for themselves. Consider crowd-sourcing content from your employees, giving them the chance to express how they overcame 2020 challenges, took part in community outreach techniques, or expanded major diversity initiatives within your organization. By giving employees a voice, the company culture is defined by the cohort driving that culture. 

As such, creating a video highlighting core values or challenges from an employee POV also gives companies the opportunity to share a customer story directly from employees throughout the organization. These options work incredibly well as internal pieces, but also for social channels to promote the outstanding people that work at the company for hiring initiatives.

Another possibility is to create a video focused on new employee introductions. It can be challenging in the WFH era to meet and greet new faces at a company. While you may see some fresh new faces on a Zoom call, it just isn’t the same as learning or hearing from colleagues directly, so it’s a great opportunity for companies to put together a video once a quarter to highlight new faces, roles they will play, and, more importantly, let them express something about themselves or show personality beyond a face in a digital grid of faces.

Being able to communicate clearly why a company does what it does, with the people doing it, is incredibly important — especially via video channels. Let N6A help tell your 2020 story and get in touch with us today!

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