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N6A’s Female Leaders “Send the Elevator Down” to the Next Generation

N6A’s Female Leaders “Send the Elevator Down” to the Next Generation

March is when we are lucky enough to go the extra mile to remind ourselves of the accomplishments of women throughout the years — from cultural strides, to business and landmark societal milestones, the impact of women deserves year round celebration. From 2007 to 2018, the number of women-owned businesses increased by 58% while all other businesses grew by just 12%. During the same period, total employment by women-owned companies climbed 21% while the rest of companies declined. Gender diversity is not only valuable for your business but for the overall economy. As Women’s History Month comes to a close, we compiled top advice from N6A’s leading ladies for the next generation of female leaders taking on the world of marketing and public relations.

Untitled design (3) copy 5 “Find your voice and your “why” early on in your career. Pay it forward, and remember those who helped you along the way. Lastly, enjoy the journey, and never be afraid to dream big.” – Daniela Mancinelli, Chief Executive Officer


Untitled design (3) copy 3“Find your people. Your career will go through a lot of different phases as you move from entry level to senior leadership roles – and beyond. Finding the right people to be in your corner through each step is key and it highlights the most important thing you can ever learn – you are never alone. While at times it may feel that you and you alone are   grappling with a particular sticky issue, sending out a question to your trusted network of cheerleaders will leave you with a lot of ‘been there, this is how I tackled it…’ advice that you can add to your toolbox. Don’t underestimate the power of a strong support network early in your career because it will only help you in the long run as you learn and grow as a person and as a professional.”  – Trisha Larocchia, Chief Client Officer


Untitled design (3) copy 2“My advice for the next generation of female marketing leaders is to bring your whole selves to work. As a working mom with two small daughters, I have historically shifted away from highlighting that part of my life in a professional setting. Now, though, I know it is a strength. The amount of multitasking I do before 8 am is definitely a resume-worthy bullet! 

Also, never be afraid to speak up and ask for what you want and know you deserve (deserve being key, pay your dues- there’s no room for entitlement here!). Whether it is for additional compensation during a job offer, a new title, increased responsibility… build your ask and your why. If the answer is no, then work together to outline what needs to happen on both sides to get to the yes.” – Valerie Leary, Head of Studios


Untitled design (3) copy“As you continue to progress in your career, remember to set boundaries for yourself. While it’s great to raise your hand for all projects and helpful to show your willingness to tackle something new, it’s equally as important to be honest with what you can and can’t do. The ability to create this space will allow you to bring your best self to both your work and your work environment.” – Jacqueline Agudelo, Enterprise Vice President


N6A is lucky to have a strong, noteworthy and successful leadership team composed of dedicated and innovative women. We pride ourselves on valuing the strength a woman brings to a company that expands far beyond a month of recognition, but all year round. These insights reach far beyond just those to women in business. As people grow in their careers, strive for success and are committed to their growth both individually and as a team, this advice from the women of N6A is universal.  Celebrating our leaders is an easy task — success and hard work knows no gender and together we drive Outcomes. One of our favorite quotes makes a cheers to women by saying —  “Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” As seen in the wisdom  of N6A leadership, a woman’s capabilities and strength extends far beyond the workplace. 

To them and to us! 

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