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Our CEO on Career Leadership Lessons That Inspired Him

Our CEO on Career Leadership Lessons That Inspired Him

“Living for your eulogy, not your resume,” and more lessons from Matt Rizzetta’s appearance on the Success Story Podcast.

Every week on the Success Story podcast, Scott Douglas Clary attempts to glean new ideas and insights from what he describes as “candid interviews with execs, celebrities, notable figures and politicians” who have achieved some level of success through business wins and losses. 

Clary’s interviews with business professionals, entrepreneurs and everyone in between unpacks each guest’s story in a format meant to pass each of those lessons onto listeners. Luckily for us, his guest this week was our very own Matt Rizzetta!

During the hour-long podcast, our intrepid founder and CEO shared his origin story and career goals, and dove into some of the leadership lessons that inspired #Embrace the Pace: The 100 Most Exhilarating Lessons Learning in a Decade of Entrepreneurship, his latest book that was published earlier this year. 

The wide ranging conversation covered topics such as thoughts about social media and the recent wave of companies posting in response to nationwide protests highlighting public health, the economy, and equality and justice. 

We encourage you to listen to or watch the entire podcast episode to get the full extent of leadership lessons near and dear to Rizzetta’s heart. But to give you a sense of the conversation, below are some select quotes to motivate readers and listeners throughout their professional lives:

  • “As a business, there’s a lot more social pressure today versus a decade ago. But the golden rule [in business] is to stay true to your core values. Live and breathe your values in the form of actions, not just words.”
  • “Corporations can be a platform for impacting change. It’s on them to do their part by donating their time, donating their financial resources, and lending their knowledge and experience to help contribute to social change…At N6A, we don’t want to be the first to post on social media. We want to be the first to meet as a team to discuss how we’re going to act to impact change.”
  • “I’d rather be a company that you’ve never heard about that does things than the well-known company that doesn’t.” 

The second part of the interview featured Matt’s entrepreneurial tips, including his “living for your eulogy, not your resume” mantra. Some choice quotes are below:

  • “Entrepreneurs who practice discipline, embrace incremental progress and have accountability are the ones that are able to achieve long-term success.”
  • “When you find good people, hold onto them. The better the people you surround yourself with, the better place you’ll be in.”
  • “Entrepreneurs are never really self-made. You’re the byproduct of so many people in your career who have helped you by giving their time, support and care to your journey.”
  • “If you’re getting started in your career, practice ‘foul shots’ every day. You won’t become better overnight, but if you have the discipline to practice every day and over the course of the year, it will make you better at your job.”
  • “If you want to be an entrepreneur, be a constant consumer of information and data that can help you, and put your own spin on it. It’s you to be the judge and jury of that knowledge.”

If you’d like to hear more insights and perspectives for business leaders, be on the lookout for our latest webinar session on July 22 with SecurityScorecard, which will delve into the new standard of transparency needed from businesses in the COVID era. Featuring Matt and SecurityScorecard Co-Founder and CEO Aleksandr Yampolskiy, the discussion will focus on best practices and unique and practical tips to implement in order to improve transparency in dealings with customers and employees.

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